What time does service start?
Service starts at 10:30am. You are invited to enjoy Sunday School, it starts at 9:00am.
Where do I park?
Street parking is available on both 78th and Indiana Ave. We are located on the corner.
What should I wear?
Dress comfortably, we welcome you as you are.
How long is service?
Service is from 10:30am 11:45am
What type of music should I expect?
You will enjoy an exciting mix of Anthems, Hymns and both traditional and contemporary Gospel Music. We love music at GI!
Is there transportation available?
We can provide van transportation upon request. Please call the church during the week to make arrangements.
Do you have a Bible Study Class?
Yes. Every Wednesday at 7:00pm, Men’s Ministry every 3rd. Thursday
What is your theology on giving?
We believe in the Biblical principle of stewardship – Time, Talent and Tithe. It is our goal to have a fully tithing congregation.
What do you expect of your members?
Our hope is that our members will commit to a Christ-like lifestyle as they take the good news of Jesus into the world.
We are excited you are exploring G.I. You will find the atmosphere welcoming, the music inspiring and the message informative and uplifting. We are a multi-generational church that appreciates social diversity and strongly believes we are all God’s children. Come worship with us and enjoy the Godly G.I experience!
Greater Institutional AME Church
7800 S. Indiana Ave.
Chicago, IL 60619
Phone: 773-873-0880
Weekly Schedule
Worship Service 10:30am in person and Facebook / Youtube
Lay Organization: 1st Monday of each month 7:00pm
Prayer & Devotion 12:00 noon 516-387-8225
Bible Study 7:00pm Zoom
Men’s Ministry (Sons of Allen) 3rd Thursday 6:30pm Monthly
Weekly: Choir Rehearsal 1:00pm
Monthly Schedule
1st Saturday
Trustee Board meeting: 10:00am
Steward Board meeting 11:00am
Young Peoples Division (YPD)1:00pm
2nd Saturday 10:00am
Pennie L. Myrick Missionary Society
3rd Saturday 10:00-12:00pm
Pop-UP Pantry
3rd Sunday After Service
Golden/Silver Guild
Women’s Ministry
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